The game is addictive but not because of its gameplay. The only thing this game has going is its unique art style and a multiplayer shootout. The player matching does not make sense, i just started and im paired with Lvl25 when im 10 and i get annihilated. Also the chat is hideous and useless. I understand the game is futuristic themed so you have chosen that kind of font but it is illegible and just distracting. Please refer to other multiplayer games for a better sense of a "World" chat. Your chat is tiny, not user friendly and for some reason i cannot use it all -.-" not sure if "world" means only people in guilds but i can never send a message in chat. Other than that your game modes are alright but please make barriers actually do something. What is the point of having walls if enemies can shoot through them? If thats the case then you should throw us all onto a flat field in the open and just have us all die in one inescapable brawl. It might be too late for CoM infinity to make any decent changes so i await the day for CoM infinity 2 where things would be done correctly
Book club app about
Call of Mini™ Infinity